I’ve been with Berkhamsted Speakers for just over a year, and I instantly felt welcomed and knew it was a safe space to explore different presentation styles. Speaking in front of an audience fills me with dread, but interestingly I always enjoy the success of accomplishing it, so I was searching for a club that would help me get over the initial scariness, as well as become a better presenter.

A great environment for becoming a better speaker, whatever the stage of life you’re in
I first joined a Toastmasters club while a student in my home country New Zealand. The experience served me well after I left university and started working – among other things, I even managed to MC at a couple of friends’ weddings.
Over twenty years later and now living in the UK, I again started feeling my skills needed improving. I joined Berkhamsted Speakers and it proved a brilliant and supportive place for gaining new confidence in my speaking. No matter the stage of life you’re in or your goals, joining Toastmasters can make a difference to your speaking. You won’t find many more welcoming places than Berkhamsted Speakers, too.
Mike Wilkinson

I joined Berko Speakers because I wanted to improve on my public speaking and presentation skills. I work in marketing and I knew that to be successful in a senior leadership position, presentation and public speaking are essential skills.
What I like about Berko Speakers – I have been warmly welcomed by everyone. I always get support and advice from everyone, from the most experienced speakers to newcomers like myself. I still get stage fright but everyone is always encouraging and once on stage it’s not so scary as everyone has become a friend. My mentor has always been on hand with words of encouragement. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to learn a thing or two about public speaking.
Cynthia Mutede

During lockdown my levels of anxiety and my fear of public speaking went a bit out of control. Every presentation would cause me so much stress and anxiety, that I found myself trying to avoid them, which isn’t a very good career path.
Toastmasters was a safe and supportive space to practice and get used to being out of my comfort zone.
I’m a totally different speaker now. I still feel a bit nervous sometimes, but most of the time I enjoy it and find myself looking forward to presenting.
Elias Torres

My job demands me to give numerous powerful presentations, and I used to feel anxious before each one. Additionally, I felt insecure about my ability to support or defend my work.
Being in a comfortable setting at Toastmasters helped me get over my anxiety of public speaking. I was able to enhance pace, voice diversity, body language, confidence, flow, and minimise empty words thanks to the feedback I’ve gotten over time.
My communication skills have improved, I’m giving more well-structured presentations, and I obtain buy-in from my stakeholders easily.
Elena Tanase

My speeches are now more animated, more inspirational and more engaging
When I was first asked if I was interested in joining Toastmasters I instantly imagined formidable and pompous gentlemen in red tuxedos toasting the queen and her realms. But the reality was quite different, the red coat was a red herring.
My inaugural visit to Berkhamsted Speakers was to the “humorous speech contest” – an evening of amusing and weird presentations on a wide variety of subjects. I enjoyed it, I was hooked and I immediately saw the benefits so joined the following week.
I’ve been public speaking for many years, since I started work as a researcher, but Berkhamsted Speakers has really helped me hone my presentation skills. My speeches are now more animated, more inspiring and more engaging with the audience. Since joining the club I have been invited to present at many more (international) conferences, and some even pay me to speak.
Nigel Oseland

Having found a different direction in life, I moved near to Berkhamsted; an entirely new area for me. Looking for a preferable alternative to the square box in the corner of the sitting room, I applied some research into what was on offer. Particularly as drinking is not something that appeals to me.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays were already occupied. I found two options to choose from. One was Toastmasters and the other was something that has so fallen by the wayside, it eludes me now as to what it even was. So Berkhamsted Speakers Club – the local Toastmasters chapter – playing host on a Tuesday it was to be then.
It was with a little trepidation that I ventured into the Quakers Meeting House that evening, arriving as a guest. As it transpired, my concerns soon dispersed as I became part of the wider family. I had the pleasure of meeting some wonderfully kind-hearted, intelligent, and intellectual individuals from a variety of backgrounds and stages of life who quickly became my fellow toasties.
I visited as a guest but left as family.
Mrs Bilquees Hussain

I’ve been a member of Berko speakers for about 8 years now and I love everything about it: the people, the laughter and the support given to aspiring speakers.
One of the most exciting aspects is watching individuals develop speaking skills and, often, their confidence.
James Redden

My friends and family are amazed how quickly I have grown into a more confident person
I have been a member of Berkhamsted Speakers Club for over 10 years and my friends and family were amazed how quickly I have grown into a more confident person. The members of the club are so encouraging and positive in their manner, that the journey so far has been exhilarating. The club is a gathering of like-minded people each with their own reason for wanting to develop their skills. I have learnt how to face and overcome my fears and how to communicate in a way that empowers me. I have made new friends and had lots of fun too.
Karen Hill

Berkhamsted Speakers Club transformed my career. The members have coached me, giving me the tools to improve my speaking skills, and a safe and supportive environment in which to practise, where I can push myself to my limits, without fear of consequences.
I went from someone afraid to speak in front of small groups, to someone who jumps at the opportunity to speak to conference audiences of 200 people (see photo). My new-found confidence in speaking has unlocked leadership opportunities in my professional life.
Simon Toon

The attitude is about encouraging members to improve
I joined Toastmasters in June 2011 and have not looked back since! As a guest, the thought of attending a speaking club seemed a daunting task. Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised as the members are welcoming and supportive. The attitude there is about encouraging members to improve – not to compete or feel down trodden. It’s nice that the club has people from all ages with different speaking abilities. For me, it has been an intricate part of my business, allowing to me to improve my communication skills whether I’m talking to one or fifty colleagues. It has been useful in networking too.
Craig Moss